Papa’s Pics
Julianna has been learning and absorbing since she was born. What has been cool over the last couple weeks and months is that the fruit of those lessons are more quickly seen. One example is Julianna has been good at climbing up stairs for 6 months but going down stairs is a challenge. We have been working with Julianna to go down stairs backwards which you will see in one of the pictures. Still timid but Julianna is getting the hang of sitting down, scooting to the edge, and going down backwards. And electronics still fascinate her, phones, tablets, TV's, cable boxes, and phones, she loves to push buttons and bang on keys. One thing we noticed this week that was interesting is that if given the chance with a laptop keyboard (locked of course) that she presses the keyboard with both hands as if to mimic how we type. Another first was after much trial and error Julianna has figured out straws. It's tough because all of her drinking apparatuses previous require tilting up in order to drink and the straw based containers require that they be down. And since I had my iphone I had a chance to capture the moment...not like the first walk or crawl but straws are the gateway from sippy cups to using real cups. Exciting times indeed.
- Papa
August 26th, 2013 - 13:24
juice box picture = Miss Independent Sassy-frass!