Big School Girl
This collection captures Julianna waiting for school to start. We have 5-10 minutes each morning which are filled with all kinds of exploring or as many fun activities as you can do standing in line with 20+ parents and kids. We enjoy such activities as ring-a-round-the-daddy where Julianna holds my hand and we spin around in circles or the dance around in place and show the other parents and children how excited we are about school! WOOHOO! Julianna also loves looking at the babies that are in line in addition to making new friends from other class rooms while goofing around. The other pictures capture Julianna doing what she loves which is outside time with the watering can, coloring, and a shot of Julianna fresh from a nap.
September 5th, 2014 - 00:34
So j-bird is still the cutest kid out of all the other kids. Juuuuuust for the record 🙂